A Few Words
About our Centre
One of the world’s premier academic and research institutions, Averroes of Applied Science & Technology has driven new ways of thinking since 2017. Today, we are a destination that draws inspired scholars at the nexus of ideas that challenge and change the world.
Online Training Courses

When you work full-time while studying, you need to sacrifice personal time, which meant that I took my studies seriously. My ambition was not only to complete my degree successfully but to make the best out of the time spent studying.
On Campus Training Courses, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

When I researched the programmes available I realized that Averroes was offering exactly the type of programme that interested me.
Online Training Courses, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Professional Training Courses

Calculus 1
MTH 140 Calculus I Limits, continuity, differentiability, rules of differentiation. Absolute and relative extrema, inflection points, asymptotes, curve sketching. Applied max/min problems, related rates. Definite and indefinite integrals, Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus. Areas, volumes. Transcendental functions (trigonometric, logarithmic, hyperbolic and their inverses).

Strength of Material 1
Analysis of trusses, frames, beams, arches and cables. Analysis and diagrams of reactions, shear forces and bending moments. Review of moments of inertia. Normal, shearing, and bearing stresses. Deformation and strains. Temperature effects. Stress-strain relationship and the generalized Hooke's law. Axial loading applications and pressure vessels. Stress concentrations. Stress transformation equations and Mohr's circle for plane stress analysis. Analysis of plane stresses and strains. Strain measurement and rosette analysis. Laboratory work for experimental learning.

Transportation Engineering Technology
Introductory level course on transportation engineering, including transportation system characteristics, classification, mathematical models, and modes; transportation planning (trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and traffic assignment); highway geometric design; traffic flow characteristics; capacity and level of service; queuing and simulation models; and evaluation of transportation impacts.

Fundamentals of Surveying
Introduction to surveying theory and techniques; distance, angular and height measurement methods; traversing and traverse adjustments; field calibration of instruments; topographic mapping; coordinate geometry; geometry of horizontal and vertical curves; curves and construction layout; use of surveying software.

Differential Equations and Vector Calculus
Review of first-order ordinary differential equations and applications; Higher-order linear differential equations; solution methods series solutions; Laplace Transforms and ODEs. Scalar and vector functions and fields, Chain rule, Directional Derivative, coordinate systems, divergence and curl of vector fields; line, surface and multiple integrals, Divergence theorem; Green's and Stokes' theorems; Applications. Introduction to a computer algebra system.

Introduction to Structural Analysis
Deflections of structures: moment-area theorems, conjugate-beam method, virtual work and Castigliano's theorem. Approximate analysis of statically, indeterminate structures. Analysis of continuous beams and frames using the force and slope-deflection methods. Analysis of statically indeterminate structures using the moment-distribution method. Influence Lines for statically determinate structures.